3 (Cross-) Recurrence Quantification Analysis Software

There are several packages in R you could use to do (C)RQA analyses, but you can also find a Matlab toolbox for (C)RQA here: CRP toolbox, there are Python libraries as well, see this page for an overview of software. We will use the functions in package casnet.

The package crqa() was mainly designed to run categorical Cross-Recurrence Quantification Analysis (see Coco & Dale (2014) and for R code see appendices in Coco & Dale (2013)). The article is a good reference work for details on how to conduct RQA analysis.

You’ll need the latest version of casnet:

# Install casnet if necessary: https://github.com/FredHasselman/casnet
# !!Warning!! Very Beta...
# library(devtools)
# devtools::install_github("FredHasselman/invctr")
# devtools::install_github("FredHasselman/casnet")

Package casnet has 2 functions that will perform auto- and cross-recurrence quantification analyses:

  • Function crqa_cl() uses a precompiled program that is run from the command line (see command line recurrence plot tools). It will take as input one or two timeseries and construct a recurrence matrix and is very fast compared to other methods. The first time you run the command crqa_cl() the casnet package will try to download the correct executables for your operating system, look for messages in the console to find out if the script succeeded. The output of crqa_cl() will be similar to the CRP toolbox and Python libraries by Norbert Marwan.
    • If downloading or running crqa_cl() fails, this is usually because you do not have enough rights to execute a command line program on your machine. In that case, figure out how to get those rights, or use crqa_rp().
  • Function crqa_rp() assumes you have already contructed a recurrence matrix using function rp(). The output of crqa_rp() contains more measures than crqa_cl() some of which are still experimental.

3.1 Categorical Auto-RQA

3.1.1 RQA by ‘hand’

Let’s start with a small time series… open and/or download this Google sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1k4FYDbszfCReCM5_wcw6NIEgSFtTPIy3qmf-kFiZjy8/edit?usp=sharing

The spreadsheet displays a short categorical time series of 5 observed categories labelled A through E. Below the time series a matrix is displayed with zeroes in the upper triangle. The columns and rows of the matrix are labelled according to the categorical time series y in B2:B13, starting in the lower left corner. The Line Of Incidence (LOI) is the diagonal of the matrix going from the lower left corner to the upper right corner. Like the diagonal of a correlation matrix, the LOI in Auto-RQA will contain only recurrent points (1), because that’s where the column labels will be identical to the row labels.


Because this is Auto-RQA and we are comparing the time series to itself, the recurrence matrix will be symmetrical, so we only have to look at the upper triangle.

  • Fill the upper triangle with recurrent points by changing a 0 into a 1
    • Start with the label in cell C29 (A) and look upwards (C27 to C17). If you see the value A recurring, change the 0 into a 1
    • Proceed to D29 and find recurrences of the value B in the future (in D26 to D17)
    • Continue to fill the upper triangle
  • Count the number of 1s, the recurrent points (RN) and put the value in cell B32 (Total)
  • Count how many recurrent points are part of a vertical line, and how many are on a diagonal line, put the values in cell B33 and B34 respectively.
  • Diagonal line lengths:
    • Determine the frequency of occurrence of specific lengths of diagonal lines, record the values in cells Q17 to Q20
    • Record the maximal diagonal line length in V22
    • The mean of the lengths of diagonal lines (L) will be calculated in cell V21
  • Vertical line lengths:
    • Determine the frequency of occurrence of specific lengths of vertical lines, record the values in cells Q24 to Q27
    • Record the maximal vertical line length in V27
    • The mean of the lengths of vertical lines (Trapping Time) will be calculated in cell V21
  • Several values are auto-calculated, if you click on the cell you can see how this is done, by looking at the formula bar.
    • Can you understand the calculation of the number of possible recurrent points in X17?
  • Suppose you randomise the time series… which of the following values do you think would change, and in what way (larger/smaller)
    • Recurrence Rate (RR)
    • Mean diagonal line length (L, or MEAN_dl)
    • Maximum diagonal line length (L_max, or MAX_dl)
    • Entropy of distribution of diagonal line lengths (L_entr, or ENT_dl)


  • The correct matrix is on the second tab of the spreadsheet.
  • The calculation of the number of possible recurrent points in cell X17 is the size of the matrix (12*12) divided by 2 (because we are only looking at the upper triangle), minus the length of the diagonal, because these aren’t actually recurrent points.
  • Which of the following values do you think would change if y is randomised?
    • Recurrence Rate (RR) - No change, none of the values are changed, so the number of values that will recur is the unchanged.
    • Mean diagonal line length (L, or MEAN_dl) - Likely to be lower, shuffling will likely break up line structures, but if there are just a few categories and/or the time series is short, it could be the same or higher.
    • Maximum diagonal line length (L_max, or MAX_dl) - Very likely to be lower, shuffling will likely break up line structures, but if there are just a few categories and/or the time series is short, it could be the same or higher.
    • Entropy of distribution of diagonal line lengths (L_entr, or ENT_dl) - - Difficult to predict, shuffling will break up line structures and could increase entropy (more different line lengths), but it is also possible that ther will be only lines of length 2 or 3 left after randomisation, this will be a very homogeneous distribution which has a high entropy. This is more likely if there are just a few categories and/or the time series is short.

3.1.2 RQA and executive control

casnet comes with a vignette demonstrating the usage of crqa_cl(), see https://fredhasselman.github.io/casnet/articles/cl_RQA.html, or the manual pages.

  • Study the vignette and try to understand the conclusion based on the surrogate tests.